Monday 27 September 2010

Muramasa: The Demon Blade

This is a very pretty Wii title that features fast paced 2D brawler + RPG action, ninja style, against a variety of mythical Japanese opponents. While the plot, I'm afraid, remains only mildly interesting as a nice break from the hectic action, the characters are excellent, and are wonderfully rendered in all their 2D glory.
Sound design is perfect, with highly satisfying cut n' slash SFX, and the music excellently sets the right tone for every scene.

Can be pretty difficult, however it is made easier with the mostly optional RPG and sword gathering elements. Each sword has it's own super move, correct utilization of which is integral to success in battle. Opponents range from the classic Ninja to the Mt.Fuji Dragon, Evil Shogun, and even GODS. If you play on one of the two story paths (1 for each character) you will end up meeting Buddha!...haha..


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