Sunday 19 September 2010

Halo: Reach

I didn't start getting excited about Reach until about 1 month before it's release. And even then, it wasn't the same excitement as say, a new Zelda game (Top tier, platinum level excitement). But, I was still excited. And then it happened, and I really enjoy it. Having stopped playing Halo 3 a while ago, due to IRL friends vacating the country, it's nice to play what is basically a brand new game but with the same mechanics.

The multiplayer feels very fresh, as it should considering this is not just an expansion like ODST. Abilities like jetpack and sprint change the gameplay significantly for the better. The new weapons also took me a few hours to get the hang of, namely the DMR and Needle Rifle, but have quickly become my favourite weapons.

The campaign is pretty good fun, once again making sure you encounter just about everything possible in the game, and giving you the opportunity to use all the weapons and equipment. The story, however, is pretty lousy, due to the characters. It's not that they aren't likable, it's just that they aren't likable enough. Many people have been saying that there isn't enough time for their development (8 hour-ish campaign, on heroic/legendary difficulty) but I say tish and fimsy. I played through COD4 - Modern Warfare, and really liked the Captain Price character, who was developed even less than the cast of Reach. This is because the interaction between you and Cpt. Price was incredibly intimate at times, and really brought you into the game.

The campaign also doesn't feel nearly as epic as Halo 3's, or even Halo 2 and Combat: Evolved. But, screw it, it's still fun to play, especially on co-op, and Reach now tracks your progress in so many mind boggling ways you feel totally convinced that it's worth it (commendations and credits). Multiplayer is excellent fun, especially at the moment when most people are still learning the maps, modes, weapons, vehicles and abilities.

And of course, you can track all your stats online. Here is my service record: Carpish

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