Saturday 29 January 2011


Megamind is a fun, family oriented dreamworks offering which once again, genuinely surprises me with it's quality. I'd say that this is more standard DW affair than the previous (And might I say, eehhhcxellent) How to Trr your Drrr.
More along the lines of Kung Fu Panda, as it is more comedy than "Aww, look at the Dwagon".

It's interesting to see dreamworks mixing up the film themes, more so than Disney (not counting Pixar). Megamind is instantly likable as a character due to his witty dialog and amusing demeanor. Perhaps some people might find him irritating, though. I can imagine it would be quite easy to dislike him. I, however, enjoyed him as a protagonist. He was very interesting to watch, and listen to. The supporting characters were pretty decent also. Metroman was great as a likable jerk, but what I found clever was the indirect labeling of him as an asshole. Despite a couple of scenes showing his antagonising side, he's not blatantly labeled as the kind of character you'd think. It's hard to explain.

Anyway, love interest Roxanne has this Bowser/Peach relationship going on with Mega, where he will kidnap her, and take her to his castle and pretend to be threatening while Metroman rushes in to save the day. She's pretty cool. I also quite liked Minion, more of a best friend to Megamind (which is the joke of course).

The animation is quality and the CG impressive, I was mostly blown away by how well Mega's clothing was rendered.
Genuinely enjoyable. This is a good comedy antithesis to the Incredibles (which looks a little bit dated nowadays, darn that CG sure does get old fast!)

Thursday 23 December 2010

Games of 2010

Here's a list of the games that I started playing in 2010.

That's: 9 Xbox 360 titles
5 Wii titles
5 DS titles
2 PC/Mac games
10 Downloaded titles

6 Role playing games
5 Platformers
2 Adventure
2 Beat-em-Up's
1 Strategy

Best game of the year? Monster Hunter Tri. The music, the characters, the challenge, and it's multiplayer just had no equal.

Saturday 18 December 2010

"Thought of You" by Ryan Woodward

Thought of You from Ryan J Woodward on Vimeo.

This was posted on Cartoon Brew a while ago. For those who haven't seen it, enjoy

Monday 22 November 2010

Disney Double: Hunchback and Brother Bear

Firstly: Hunch back of Notre Dame. A good movie in my opinion, one that I only watched for the first time last night. It pleasantly surprised me - there were great characters amongst the (obviously) incredible animation and set pieces. The songs weren't bad too, an especially good one being Minister Frollo's about his lust for Esmeralda.

The film gets bonus points for trying to tackle some tough subject matter. However, it is Disney, so any strolls into the realms of cold hardreality are short and colourfully resolved. Take for instance the scene where Quasimodo is first revealed to the public, he is taunted and barraged with rotten food. Esmeralda then leaps onto stage and stops this incident with much light hearted high-jinks at Frollo's expense.

That is the unfortunate Disney curse - the need to balance out ever serious incident with cutesy, colourful, or clumsy characters. Then there are the inevitable comedy relief characters, the Gargoyles, who I was really not impressed with. The Disney curse requires many mandatory stock figures to please the kids. I know it's necessary to have them in order to make it marketable to young 'uns, but they just seem so out of place, especially in this film with a story about bigotry, racism and lust.

I quite liked Phoebus, as a male "prince" type character, he was relatively interesting. It's just a shame his background wasn't really fleshed out - he was a war hero, surely there was plenty of story to beef him up a bit?

Esmeralda was stunningly animated at times, and is pretty kick ass too. Resourceful, smart, cunning, and easy on the eyes. Not much to say.

Quasimodo was pretty good, but he just seems to blunder about and not really do anything. He's the only character who really interacts with the gargoyles, and that makes me like him even less. I would have been more satisfied had I seen Quasimodo actually put an end to Frollo, throwing him off the cathedral or something like that. I guess he was just too "nice".

Brother Bear

This film lacked a little of the oomph that Hunchback had, and alot of the classic Disney oomph that surrounds such titles as Jungle Book, Pinocchio or 101 Dalmations. I felt it was missing something like a major character, or at least a much more substantial performance from one of the main actors. It's missing Cinderella's Lady Tremaine, Aladdin's Genie.

I did like the relationship between the 3 brothers, including the obvious death of brother X. What I enjoyed more was how brother Y became the "villain". It added an interesting layer of complexity, the whole film should've been built around that in a similar fashion to the Prince of Egypt. Instead, the second half is more or less let down by the cute but tiresome Koda. I didn't find myself enjoying this character, and unfortunately the plot hinges on the assumption that this guy is lovable. He's definitely not awful - (e.g. Penny from the Rescuers) - he just doesn't have much of a personality other than "naive bear cub". Perhaps I need to watch it again.

I liked brother bear, the animation was impressive and the bears were convincingly weighted and enjoyable to watch. The comedy relief moose weren't as awful as the gargoyles, but they're nothing hilarious either. I did really enjoy the stereotypical "big black guy" character, especially because he was a bear. And bears are awesome.

Sunday 7 November 2010

Out of Sight

Beautiful Taiwanese graduate animation that never fails to raise a smile

Thursday 21 October 2010

Sonic 4: Episode 1

Sonic 4 isn't really much of an update, more like a fan reconstruction of the first 2 (with elements of 3). I don't like the 'new' sonic design very much, and I'm not too keen that 3D models replace classic 2D sprites. How good would this have looked if it was all HD 2D graphics, like the Scott Pilgrim game? Very good actually and I don't want to listen to your protest words.

So you run around 4 very nostalgic zones which are pretty much every stage from the first 2 Sonic Mega Drive games pulped into total familiarity. The similarities make up for everything in the game, which of course include the boss battles that are pretty much copy-pasted from previous titles. Although it gives me a mildly fuzzy memory massage, if I wanted to fight these bosses I'd play the respected games they feature in! And that way I'd get the complete experience of nostalgic energy.

My favourite sonic games were always 2, 3, and Knuckles, and are still among my most cherished gaming memories. It's nice to see them somewhat updated, although with inferior character sprites, music, stage design and content, it feels more like a step back from the main canon series. The foreseeable gradual increase of content across new episodic releases is a great marketing scheme, but not very fair on my wallet. I'll still buy them all..... one weakness...

Sunday 17 October 2010

The Comet Song

I've never listened to Bjork for extended periods, but I do love the mystery and darkness that this song emanates. Like a minimalist, black fog. The film is cool, too.