Saturday 29 January 2011


Megamind is a fun, family oriented dreamworks offering which once again, genuinely surprises me with it's quality. I'd say that this is more standard DW affair than the previous (And might I say, eehhhcxellent) How to Trr your Drrr.
More along the lines of Kung Fu Panda, as it is more comedy than "Aww, look at the Dwagon".

It's interesting to see dreamworks mixing up the film themes, more so than Disney (not counting Pixar). Megamind is instantly likable as a character due to his witty dialog and amusing demeanor. Perhaps some people might find him irritating, though. I can imagine it would be quite easy to dislike him. I, however, enjoyed him as a protagonist. He was very interesting to watch, and listen to. The supporting characters were pretty decent also. Metroman was great as a likable jerk, but what I found clever was the indirect labeling of him as an asshole. Despite a couple of scenes showing his antagonising side, he's not blatantly labeled as the kind of character you'd think. It's hard to explain.

Anyway, love interest Roxanne has this Bowser/Peach relationship going on with Mega, where he will kidnap her, and take her to his castle and pretend to be threatening while Metroman rushes in to save the day. She's pretty cool. I also quite liked Minion, more of a best friend to Megamind (which is the joke of course).

The animation is quality and the CG impressive, I was mostly blown away by how well Mega's clothing was rendered.
Genuinely enjoyable. This is a good comedy antithesis to the Incredibles (which looks a little bit dated nowadays, darn that CG sure does get old fast!)

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