Thursday 7 October 2010


One of Ween's more accessible albums, Quebec is worth a buy if you enjoy creative, genre swapping artists. It just shows how interesting music can be when truly skilled instrumentalists step between styles like a dance. Each song is separate and unique; how many times have you listened to an album for the first time and it just blends into one big, hour long track? Perhaps it's time to enter the world of Ween. (And Mr Bungle if you have time.) Stand out tracks for me include Zoloft, Transdermal celebration, Chocolate Town, Among his Tribe, and The Argus.

For me, the real enjoyment of listening to Ween comes from their humour, which stems from each and every song basically poking fun at the genre it is mimicking. However, you'd be forgiven to not notice this, as they perform each style so successfully you'd easily think otherwise.

This video was animated by the same excellency who runs Bitey castle.

1 comment:

  1. That's a really sad video, but I really like it in a strange way. It's sweet. Music is lovely too. Reminds me a wee bit of Ash back when they did 1977.
