Thursday 19 August 2010


This is a pretty mad film about 2 orphans living in a large Japanese city, fighting for their district known as Treasure Town. The place is a decaying slum full of crime and oddballs, and these boys are pretty much the oddest of the lot.

Their names are Black and White, and they have unexplained supernatural jumping abilities. Conflict starts when the Yakuza moves back into town and attempts to take over - however, their defeat by Black only leads to the more dangerous and mysterious "Monsieur" Snake to arrive with his posse of 3 extremely tough "Foreigners".

The animation is great and I like the style of the characters, although the faces of Black and White can be a bit unappealing. This film was made by the same studio 4oC who animated a sequence in the Animatrix, the one called "Beyond". It features the same combination of complex and highly detailed backgrounds with relatively basic looking characters. Both also have children participating in lots of insane aerial high jinkery

Tekkon's soundtrack is by Plaid, of warp records, and it is a very good soundtrack. Warp are well known for their glitch genre of electronic music. The song played at the ending credits is especially awesome, I believe it is called White's Dream.

Towards the end of the film, the tone takes a darker turn. Without spoiling the plot, there's not much more I can say, but it deals with the relationship between White and Black and their deteriorating psychological states. One particular sequence is intense and quite disturbing, depicting characters in spasmodic movement and hanging school children, albeit briefly.

Overall it's a good movie. However, White can be a bit annoying at times.
It has some great characters in it, especially the more well rounded Yakuza members
and the soundtrack is ace.

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