Sunday 29 August 2010

Shutter Island

Funnily enough, this also stars DeCaprio. And like Inception, it's very intense, and also pretty damn enjoyable. It's another movie which apparently has alot of people talking, although I haven't heard anyone speak of it personally. So that's good, because when people hype films up like crazy, it can quite easily bring you down when you eventually go see it (Avatar).

It's probably a good one to see for a second time, due to the nature of the ending. I suppose you'd call it a twist ending, except the film sort of keeps you guessing throughout about what's going to happen. Even up to the very last moment, I felt like it could go one way or the other, which was quite clever. It's dark, thrilling, and the films conclusion is satisfying. Not usually my type of movie really, I often prefer slightly more easy going films I guess; that, or really weird ones. Recommended, but don't go in expecting to be blown away; save that for The Borrower Arrietty.

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