Tuesday 17 August 2010

The Legend of Mir 2: the Three Heroes

Mir 2 is an mmorpg currently still available to play, but is only now a shadow of it's former self. When I started playing, around 2001, it was with 3 real-life friends, the game was only a week or two into it's Beta stages and was free to play. It was really fun exploring this large, mysterious world, akin to that of when I played Zelda: Link's Awakening for the first time. I killed a few hens and deer, and started my slow progression through the game. At that time no-one knew what anything was, which made it so much more fun. Eventually I got bored, and stopped playing.

A while later, I came back, the game had been updated quite significantly by this time. I had lost touch with all the people I once knew, my RL friends were also long gone, which was quite depressing, but I quickly made new friends. It helped that I was now playing with my brother.

What was great about this game was the competitive element. You'd see the same people day in day out, which made it feel like a tightly knit community. The forums were like internet hollyoaks, only much more entertaining. I made some great friends, and some enemies, too. I then quit once again, and finally, so did the game, closing early 2009.

I still really like this game, because all you did was kill monsters with friends then fight enemies with them too. The new Mir isn't as good, and not really worth playing.

According to this blog post, a film based on Mir 2 is currently being developed in China. Even if it's terrible and receives no translation, I will probably watch it. Back in 2001, the game had over 200,000 simultaneous users in China, and it is still very popular there and in Korea.

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