I am a fan.
I guess that they just hit all my sweet spots with this show. Cute and wacky characters, crazy stories, funny dialog (including voice acting from John DiMaggio), my taste in bizarre disturbo-humour, very monged out music (often chiptune), it being made by Pendleton Ward who has worked with John Burgerman...
There are just too many things in this show for me NOT to like it. I generally don't read reviews of certain things I enjoy because I don't want other peoples opinions to change mine. I have suffered from this before, e.g. theSpoonyOne's playthrough of Final Fantasy VIII. I used to like that game, and now...I don't! Damn my easily remoulded brain!
So Lynsey told me that people either love or hate this show, in a sort of Spongebob Squarepants way. And I personally used to like that show (the newer episodes have dropped in quality of writing), season 2 being excellent. But still, I didn't like the character design in Spongebob, so although the humour was often laugh-out loud worthy, the appeal factor and overall design strength was pretty weak. Bob himself is a pretty lame character, to be perfectly honest.
Adventure time has immensely appealing characters to me - it's almost like watching a John Burgerman cartoon at times. Even though it goes against many animation principles I have had drilled into my head, I still really enjoy the way it is drawn and brought to life. For instance, the characters have no recognisable anatomy, their limbs move like tentacles, they have no bones and appear squashy. To be honest, this actually works to the shows style rather than realistic anatomy and structure.
What people hate or love is random humour, and I think it works in Adventure Time. Jake and Finn (the main characters) approach all zany encounters with a feeling of familiarity, at times even boredom, that I find amusing. It's just accepted - their world is just one chaotic encounter after another, which is enjoyable for a show that lasts only 10 minutes an episode.

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